Concerned About Wisdom Teeth Removal Or Pain? Here’s Our Complete Guide

Updated: July 26, 2022
wisdom teeth

To many people, wisdom teeth are a mystery even though most people have them. The main reason is that they emerge from late teens to early twenties and the majority don’t get to use them because they often get extracted.

Wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth to come through, they grow at the back of the gums; they come in each corner of the jaws amounting to four.

In this article, we are going to look at everything that there is about wisdom teeth from their removal to pain and answer all the burning questions you may have.

Why are wisdom teeth removed?

Wisdom teeth have their purpose and most times if they are not causing any dental complications, it is better to leave them in place. Below are common wisdom teeth problems that result in their removal.

Tooth decay. This is damage caused to a tooth by the conversion of sugars into acid by dental plaque. Wisdom teeth decay causes toothache and sensitivity that may be too much to bear, resulting in the removal of these teeth.

Gum infection or disease. Gum disease or infection is a very common condition whereby the gums become infected, swollen or sore. It is caused by the build-up of plaque on the teeth, thus affecting your teeth whether wisdom teeth or pre-molars, causing them to be removed.

Impacted wisdom tooth. An impacted wisdom tooth is one that hasn’t fully broken out of the surface of the gum or one that is not perfectly positioned on the jaws causing dental complications.

Cysts and benign growths. Though it rarely occurs, some wisdom teeth do not cut through the gum causing a fluid-filled swelling called a cyst. This can cause the extraction of your wisdom teeth.

Abscess. This is a collection of pus, mostly caused by a bacterial infection. After an abscess develops in your wisdom teeth it is very painful and the best option for your dental health is to remove your wisdom teeth.

Wisdom tooth pain

For any teeth to emerge through the surface of the gum it comes with a price and that is pain. This is not any different for wisdom teeth and it pains, though it is nothing to concern yourself with.

The signs of wisdom teeth growing are:

  • Swelling of the gum
  • Mild pain in the area
  • Slight jaw pain
  • Pressure in the affected area

It can be difficult to differentiate whether the pain you are feeling is from the above symptoms or it is an underlying oral health problem. If the pain persists, you should visit a dentist.

Pain from infection

Wisdom teeth easily decay because they are positioned far back, which makes it difficult to properly clean them. Decay tends to develop and is painful, if untreated, it can lead to more serious dental problems or even an abscess.

Pain from an impacted wisdom tooth

Impaction is the most common problem that occurs with wisdom teeth. This is due to a lack of space. When a tooth is not properly located, it ends up being aligned diagonally or horizontally. Also, an impacted tooth presses hard against the next tooth, causing the other tooth to shift position.

There are two types of impaction namely:

  • Fully impacted teeth. These wisdom teeth are fully covered by gum tissues.
  • Partially erupted teeth. These wisdom teeth have broken through the gum but have not fully emerged. It leads to the occurrence of infection, decay or gum disease because the opening allows bacteria to access the tooth.

These are some of the symptoms of an impacted tooth:

  • Gum swelling or pain
  • Stiffness of the jaw
  • Jaw pain
  • Pain in the rear teeth
  • Sensitivity or pain around the erupting tooth
  • Headaches

Wisdom teeth extraction

Wisdom teeth removal is similar to any other teeth removal and it can be performed by a dentist, while the more complicated cases can be performed by a specialist surgeon. The teeth extraction process is intimidating and a scary one.

Depending on whether it is a partially erupted tooth or an impacted tooth will determine the means through which the dentist will extract the tooth, before removing the patient is sedated with an anaesthetic and within a few minutes the tooth will be out and this video illustrates the process.

Wisdom teeth removal recovery

Full recovery usually takes between a few days and weeks, to deal with the mild pain after extraction. Paracetamol and ibuprofen will help.

Here are tips that will help to limit discomfort and aid in recovery:

  • Avoid smoking or drinking alcohol
  • Eat only soft foods
  • Stay elevated
  • Gauze up
  • Avoid strenuous activity or putting pressure on the affected area
  • Complete the antibiotics prescribed to you


Wisdom teeth are not meant for everyone since to others they are not necessarily because of the pain they cause. In case you experience any painful wisdom toothache, it is best to visit your dentist to have it checked. Tooth extraction has come a long way because it is a pain-free process and it is worth maintaining your dental health.


Why do we have wisdom teeth?

To fill up teeth numbers to 32 teeth, they usually appear between 17 to 25 years for most people while in others they emerge in their 30s or 40s.

Do wisdom teeth always cause problems?

No. Enough space in your jaws will make them perfectly located, though you might experience slight discomfort as they emerge.

Are wisdom teeth difficult to take out?

This depends on the position and the shape of the roots.

Do wisdom teeth hurt?

Yes. It is very normal to experience some pain as they emerge and there are tips to help with the pain.

What to expect after a wisdom tooth is taken out?

Usually, some swelling and discomfort are common experiences after tooth extraction. It is key to follow the dentist’s advice and it will help with the recovery.

Medical Sources

Premier Dental Centre. Your wisdom teeth recovery guide. Consulted 26 July 2022.
WebMD. What you should know about wisdom teeth. Consulted 26 July 2022.