The benefits of fat-soluble vitamins on teeth

Updated: November 8, 2022
liposolubles and oral hygiene
Why consider the role of luposoluble vitamins in our oral health?

We have already mentioned the importance of the fat-soluble vitamin in our special report on vitamin D, with a particular focus on deficiencies and the role of the sun in recharging them.

We will now go into the details of this vitamin. List, roles, classification, importance of absorption, their benefits, strengthening of teeth, everything in this complete guide!

How to differentiate between water-soluble and fat-soluble products?

Our vitamins are essential micronutrients that the human body requires in small quantities to function.

The best known vitamin is certainly vitamin C.

Vitamins are divided into two distinct groups:

  • water-soluble (B and C)
  • the liposolubles (A, D, E, K).

Unlike water-soluble vitamins, fat-soluble vitamins do not need to be supplied as regularly, being present in the liver and other fatty tissues.

Fat-soluble vitamins: what are we talking about?

Fat-soluble A, D, E and K are present in the body for long periods of time, and generally pose a greater risk of toxicity in excess than water-soluble ones.

Consuming normal amounts through a balanced diet does not pose a risk of toxicity. However, taking high amounts via supplements can cause them. The body only needs small amounts of vitamins .

It should be noted that certain health problems can reduce fat absorption, which in turn can reduce the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Consult a physician for any health problems that may occur with the absorption of these.

Fat-soluble vitamins for strengthening teeth

In his book, “Cure Tooth Decay”, Ramiel Nagel dedicates an entire section of the book to fat-soluble vitamins and their importance in remineralizing dental cavities.

He uses the research work of Weston A. Price to build his reasoning. Weston A. Price was a pioneering dentist who spent many years studying populations located outside of large cities and their industrial diets: the Australian Aborigines, the Maoris, or the people of the Lötschental valley in Switzerland.

Rural or primitive population studies

In the Swiss Alps, Weston A. Price studied the population of the Lötschental valley, a long valley north of the Rhone in the canton of Valais. He encountered a population with excellent dental health.

Their diets were based on dairy products from cows raised on the valley's abundant grasslands. Price later discovered that the population of Lötschental had a tooth decay rate of 5%. But, that those consuming the modern sugar and refined flour diet had tooth decay levels of 29.8%!

The observation is the same during his observations of other peoples living under traditional regimes.

teeth reinforced with vitamins
Fat-soluble vitamins are a great ally for teeth

Liposolubles to remineralize the teeth

It is on the basis of these findings that Ramiel Nagel developed his theory that fat-solubles could remineralize teeth.

He recommends getting the kind of vitamin A that stops tooth decay: from the liver of grass-fed animals, from milk from pasture-fed cattle.

He explains that vitamin D and immunity to various diseases are connected.

Vitamin K is needed to build strong bones. Deficiencies include bleeding gums or blood in the urine. Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting.

MK-4 is present in the organs and could be the vitamin K factor responsible for the re-mineralization of the teeth. MK-4 is found in goose liver paste, hard cheese from grass-fed dairy products, soft cheese from grass-fed dairy products, egg yolk.

More and more people are becoming aware of the health, and bone, benefits of pasture-fed cattle products. This is the case, for example, of farmers creating their own label to distinguish themselves and to promote the virtues of sustainable grass-fed farming. Change is on the way!

How to treat cavities naturally?

Finally, find below a video from Dr. Josh Axe, who explains how to reverse cavities naturally. He includes some of Price's and Nagel's ideas in his presentation.

Its 4 main ideas are:

  • Eliminate excess grain
  • Getting rid of processed sugar
  • Consume more fat-soluble vitamins
  • Add lots of probiotics to your diet (food or supplements)


What are fat-soluble vitamins used for?

These vitamins are essential for the growth and protection of body tissues.

How to absorb a fat-soluble vitamin?

These vitamins are those of the fatty bodies. Their virtues are optimal if they are consumed in oily form.

What are the risks of fat-soluble vitamins?

Consumption of fat-soluble drugs should be moderate. By ingesting too much fat-soluble substances, they can become harmful to your health.

Medical Sources

Cure Tooth Decay: Fat Soluble Vitamins and How They Can Cure it? <>

Colorado State University: Fat Soluble Vitamins A, D, E and K < >