Oil Pulling: a tablespoon of vegetable oil for healthy teeth

Updated: November 1, 2022
coconut oil
Coconut oil is the most used to make natural mouthwash.

Oil pulling is an ancient practice belonging to Ayurvedic medicine that uses natural substances to clean and detoxify teeth and gums.

In addition, it can help naturally whiten teeth and some research indicates its importance for gum health. Some oils can also fight bad bacteria in the mouth.

Today, we're taking a closer look at how to make your own oil pulling at home, but also what are the best products on the market.

We discuss the benefits, recipes, products and dangers in this article nutrident.

What is Oil Pulling?

Oil pulling consists of taking a tablespoon of oil (sesame or coconut) in your mouth, and circulating the oil between your teeth for 20 minutes.

The idea is simple, but it was worth thinking about: the oil circulates in the mouth every day and thus improves dental health. The oil is thus able to penetrate plaque and remove toxins without causing damage to teeth and gums.

The practice of oil pulling (also called gandouch ) originated in Indian culture thousands of years ago, and was introduced much more recently in the United States in the early 1990s. The practice is therefore even more recent in France.

This mouthwash with vegetable oil is normally done after scraping the tongue in the evening to eliminate digestive system upsets.

The benefits of Oil Pulling

benefits of oil pulling
Oil pulling allows you to take care of your teeth and mouth.

Oil pulling is a practice that comes with a ton of anecdotal evidence to support it, but with far less research to support its benefits (there is some, which I have listed below). Many sources explain that it is safe, but differ on the results. Although more research is needed, I have seen the results for myself and many people swear by this product.

There are immeasurable amounts of testimonials on the web from people praising the benefits of this product, the benefits include for example: its effects on asthma, arthritis, skin, headaches, infections, liver problems, etc.

I think as long as you use a quality oil and use it correctly. It's a pretty inexpensive therapy so I don't see any harm in trying it, especially since I've been using it for a while now.

After a few days of this practice, you should see the following positive results :

  • Decreased risk of cavities
  • Reduction of inflammation, irritation and bleeding of the gums
  • Fresh feeling
  • Decrease in the number of bad bacteria in the mouth

We recommend the coconut oil from Planète Au Naturel

coconut oil from Planète Au Naturel

“Rich in medium chain triglyceride fatty acids

“Natural and healthy

“Preserves the beauty of hair and skin

“Certified 100% organic

“100% virgin and pure

“No artificial flavors

Oil Pulling: instructions for use

The concept is simple, we can't say it enough. Basically, you shake a few teaspoons of a vegetable oil (olive, sesame or coconut) in your mouth for about 20 minutes and then spit out and rinse.

It is best to use this oil mouthwash in the morning, before eating or drinking anything, but it is also recommended to use it before every meal for more serious infections or dental problems.

Some Valuable Instructions

According to Dr. Bruce Fife, author of “Oil Pulling Therapy”, 20 minutes is the NECESSARY time to destroy plaque and eliminate bacteria without the body absorbing toxins and bacteria.

brushing your teeth
After the oil mouthwash, it is necessary to brush your teeth well.

The texture of the oil becomes thicker and milky as it mixes with the saliva, it becomes downright creamy when you spit it out. The volume also doubles during the time frame, so don't worry if you don't get past the 5-10 minutes at first, it took me a while to get used to it.

Spit the mixture out into the toilet or garbage can. Avoid spitting it down the sink, as the oil can thicken and clog your pipes. Don't swallow the mixture either, as it is full of toxins and bacteria.

Rinse with warm water and then brush your teeth.

In terms of oils, you can use coconut oil, which is naturally antibacterial. Sesame oil is traditionally used in the Ayurvedic tradition and is a good option, provided you use organic sesame oil.

Have you ever used oil pulling? What did you think? Share your story in the comments!

We recommend the coconut oil from Planète Au Naturel

coconut oil from Planète Au Naturel

“Rich in medium chain triglyceride fatty acids

“Natural and healthy

“Preserves the beauty of hair and skin

“Certified 100% organic

“100% virgin and pure

“No artificial flavors

Oil pulling : FAQ

What are the risks of oil pulling?

Oil pulling is not dangerous to your health.

The recommended oils are used for food purposes, so they are safe to shake in the mouth. Just don't swallow the mixture full of toxins and bacteria at the end of the 20 minutes.

Which oil to use?

There are two of them. And it depends on your dental health goals.

If the goal is to whiten teeth, coconut oil is particularly effective. Coconut oil is also a little more effective at killing certain bacteria, including Streptococcus mutans, which is known to cause tooth decay(study shows).

Sesame oil is recommended by most experts, and is considered the most widely used.

Does Oil Pulling remineralize teeth?

It is not impossible, but more research is needed to tell.

Sesame and coconut oils are not excellent sources of the minerals that teeth need, so using them would not be the best way to provide minerals to teeth. Because the mouth is constantly searching for minerals to remineralize the teeth via saliva, it is more important to ensure that the body receives important minerals to make them available through saliva.

These minerals are available in fat-soluble vitamins, such as vitamin K2. Mineral-rich saliva also depends on a well-functioning immune system. We also cover ways to boost your immune system in our special feature on the subject.

Does Oil Pulling help fight bad breath?

This is one benefit that most people agree on. Because it removes bad bacteria and plaque, it makes for fresher breath.

Medical Sources

Jon J. Kabara, Dennis M. Swieczkowski, Anthony J. Conley, and Joseph P. Truant. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy. Fatty Acids and Derivatives as Antimicrobial Agents

Sharath Asokan,
Pamela Emmadi,
Raghuraman Chamundeswari. Indian Journal of Dental Research. Effect of oil pulling on plaque induced gingivitis: a randomized, controlled, triple-blind study

Plants and health. Gandouch: the ayurvedic ritual for the hygiene of the mouth.